Thursday, March 10, 2011

You Have An Adopted Liver, Honey.*

I went incognito today with some pink lipstick. I like how it looked. 

It's been a crazy, semi-nocturnal, but still somehow wonderful and productive week. 

And then it started raining tonight. Pouring down catch-a-cold, melt-the-snow, pretty-sounding rain. Did I start jumping up and down and screaming with joy? Did immediately look for an excuse to leave the apartment?

*This was actually said in a real conversation I had this week.


  1. I LOVE the pink lipstick. It's totally day-to-day wearable. Where did you get it?

    Also, is it creepy that I love that we follow each other's lives through blogs?

  2. Gigi: I got it at Target, it's just plain ol' Revlon. And no, it's creepy. I love it too.
