Monday, April 4, 2011

He is Not Ashamed.

I love arguing and debating...but I will never start one about things that are really important to me. I only ever really talked about Proposition 8 two and a half years ago on this blog (sort of) and with those who brought up with me. And I was terrified. I know in my bones that "marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God," but usually I'm talking to atheists about it. My argument is completely invalid to them and I can't win. 
My brother John is not that way at all, and he is my Hero of the Day because of it. He's outspoken on the topic in the best way possible. He does not go looking to alienate anyone, but he will bring it up when he feels moved to. He is not ashamed. Today I watched him hold his own against two or three of his friends on Facebook. I did jump into the conversation to try and even things out some, and I think we made a good case together.

I was supposed to watch this for my journalism class a while back, but I didn't get to it today. I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in religious freedom.

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