Friday, November 22, 2013

Blogging for Class: Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

This week's assignment had me read Hebrews 8-13. This assignment focus on Chapters 11 and 12, where faith is discussed. Below is a table of men and women of faith described in Chapter 11, what they to show their faith, and what they received for it.

These were just a few of the many great examples of faith that Paul cited in this chapter. And there are certainly others from other scriptures that he could have been added. Let me tell you about some of them, who, as Paul exhorted the Hebrews to do, "[laid] aside every weight and the sin that so easily beset [them], and [ran] with patience the race that was set before [them], looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of [their] faith" (Hebrews 12:1-2)

There's Abish in the Book of Mormon, a Lamanite whose family was converted to Christianity after a vision of her father's. She practiced her faith in secret, as her people were hostile to the religion of the Nephites. She was a servant to the queen when Ammon came to serve and teach the Lamanites. When Ammon taught the king and queen the gospel, they and nearly the servants fell as if they were dead, but Abish recognized the Spirit and was able to gather a crowd to witness what had happened. She wept when they did not understand. The queen awoke at her touch, and soon all who had fallen under the influence of the Spirit soon rose and bore witness of Christ. She was prepared and served an important role in the conversion of her people unto the Savior.

There's Ruth, who adopted Judaism when she married, but remained faithful to it after she was widowed. She was an ancestor of David and of Christ.

Let's not forget Mary, the mother of Christ. She had such great faith that she was chosen to raise the Savior on Earth and did so with joy and a spirit of obedience.

(I also recently read this blog post about another great woman of faith. Check it out.)

It was not enough for these men and women to believe the religion they were taught, they embraced it and lived it. So it should be for us, because that's the difference between active faith and passive belief.

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