Thursday, November 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Today is my Grandma Taylor's 80th Birthday!

She is one of the coolest women you'll meet (so cool, in fact, that my parents gave me her name, Amelia, as my middle name). I'm going to tell you some of the things that make her cool. I'd include pictures, but my current facebook lockout keeps me from getting to the good ones. 

She was born and raised in Los Angeles, went to BYU, and lived in Mexico for the first few years of her marriage before settling in the LA suburb she lives in now.

She is an excellent gardener, and speaks fluent Spanish. She and my grandpa served a mission at the Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Temple. She learned to paint while on her mission and paintings she did of the temple and local landscapes hang in her living room.

She's giving and funny and tells great stories about her life, family, and the people she's interacted with over the years. She remembers everyone and has something nice to say about them.

Need modest clothing for any occasion? She's a master seamstress and will help you out. She's made most of my dresses and skirts, and altered many more so that I won't have to get a whole new wardrobe when I'm endowed.

She takes no crap.She grew up during the depression and WWII, made no promises to wait for Grandpa during his mission unless she had a ring, and raised six kids (five of them boys, and one of those boys an absolute terror--sorry, Dad, it's true).

 She lives on the same property as my aunt Martha, uncle Brian, and their four boys, and as far as I know, she still mows her own lawn.

She prays every day for her six children (and their spouses), her twenty-five grandchildren (and seven grandchildren-in-law), and eight great-grandchildren by name without missing anyone.

Some additional commentary from family:

"She makes everyone feel at home--I felt like part of the family the first time I met her." -My mom

"She taught me the right thing to do and continues to teach me the right thing to do." -My dad

"[I love] her oatmeal raisin cookies and greasy tacos. And the awesome dresses she makes for everyone." -my cousin Chris

[More quotes will be added as more relatives answer my text...come on guys!]

Anyway, Grandma is awesome. I'm proud to be in her family and have her name.

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