Monday, March 3, 2014


Instead of saving all my music gushing for the end of the year, I should probably tell you how much I love Bastille RIGHT NOW.

If you listen to the radio, you've heard Pompeii a billion times. And maybe you're sick of it. I was a little late to the Bastille party, but the first version I heard of Pompeii was this:

How could you not fall in love? (No, I'm not talking about Dan Smith in general. That's another issue.)

So, like any civilized spotify-haver, I listened to nothing but the single for a few days. And then the full Bad Blood album. I may or may not have a hard time listening to anything else in the car. (No, I do not have a playlist that's just this album plus Let It Go. I've thought about it, though.)

The songs have a romantic quality to them, even though most of them could not very easily be called love songs. There are interesting drum parts and gorgeous, fun-to-sing vocals. Their music videos are a little weird and macabre, but fit brilliantly.

So listen to Bad Blood. It's good for your soul. Here, I'll even set you up with links. Favorite tracks include "Pompeii," "The Things We Lost In the Fire," "Oblivion," "Flaws," "Daniel in the Den," and "Laughter Lines." 

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