Monday, February 16, 2015

50 Things I Learned In College: #3 "Brown Eyeliner is a Sin"

No, you haven't missed posts 1 and 2 in the series. I'm using a random number generator to help me decide which things on my list of things I learned in college to write about, because the order was arbitrary and because I can.

Today's college lesson comes from a conversation I had with a friend as a freshman living in the dorms. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but I want to say we were doing our makeup together to go out one night. I was starting to let go of my more weird/overdone color-matchy habits, and starting to understand and accept that it's okay to wear black eyeliner when wearing brown clothes and vice versa. I still wasn't a big fan of wearing the lightish brown eyeliner I had. It didn't have the impact I wanted, but I did not have the skills to properly apply something darker/thicker/liquidy. I was not very good at makeup. My friend was (and still is) very good at makeup. I must have quibbled a bit over which of my eyeliners to use. "Black," she told me. "Always black. Brown eyeliner is a sin." I haven't worn brown eyeliner since.

And yes, for more of the fashionable makeup looks, you don't want to use brown eyeliner. You probably don't want to use whatever lightish brown I was wearing if you want to make any kind of impact. Brown eyeliner is still not really my style. But since I put this on the list over a year ago, it's not such a big deal to me now. If I were to put down a makeup-related thing I learned in college (besides a general "how to do it"), it would be more along the lines of "brows, lashes, lips." Because really, who has the time or energy to worry too much about what other people think about what you do with your makeup, as long as you like how you look and you're occasion-appropriate? The standard by which I judge styles of makeup for/on myself and for/on other people has changed dramatically, even in the last year or so since I added this "lesson learned" to the list. It's funny now to think that the same Brooke who treated brown eyeliner so rigidly like a sin was the same Brooke who wore bright red lipstick every day, no matter what. But even then, I was still doing what made me feel confident (even if my grasp of occasion-appropriateness wasn't quite what it is now). And that's another nice thing about this list--getting to notice all the ways I am still growing and changing.

1 comment:

  1. I knew that link was going to Jeremy Renner before I even clicked on it. This is one of the many things I love about you.
