Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's A Good Kind of Obsessed, I Promise.

Okay, I'll admit it. I'm kind of obsessed with my family. I talk about my brothers all the time and it probably bugs people but I don't care. I think my parents are super cool (even when things like this happen) and call them whenever I have a question about anything. 

But it's not just my immediate family.
This is my great-great grandmother (on my Opa's mother's side) and her children. I love doing family history research and finding out where my family comes from. (Fun fact: The Barkowskis came from Russia!)

But it's not just my ancestors. 
I don't have adequate pictures, but let me put it this way. I'll just use my dad's side of the family as an example. My dad has four older brothers and a sister. Between all them, I have twenty cousins--twelve older, eight younger. Few things make me happier than catching up with my cousins. One of the highlights of my summer was having the longest conversation I've ever had with my cousin Lauren. I ADORED having cousins close by earlier this year, and I love that all my older cousins keep getting married to cool people (some of whom I still need to meet in person)! My newest cousin-to-be Jessica just arrived in the States this week from Brazil and I'm so excited for her and Andrew to get married next month. I'm even considering going to Denver next summer because I'll have cousins there.

I'm going to stop now before I go overboard. My family is rad.
Let's leave it at that.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for family! I love your blog. I think its great! And that´s great that Andrew´s fiance got to the EEUU. Its not easy! That´s way exciting! We miss ya and hope all is well in that great lil town of Rexburg. Man do we miss it.
