Sunday, February 13, 2011

If you could send this back to Valentine's 2009, I'd be much obliged.

Dear Brooke,

Good for you for telling that guy you had work today instead of letting him take you to a movie. You're right about him.

But don't think that means you're out of the woods yet. Prince Charming isn't going to be at high school because Prince Charming is, well, a man. You go to school with little boys. Even at college--I'll let you be surprised at which one you end up at--there will still be plenty of boys. Also, it turns out it's not common for a guy to be 6-foot-anything outside of California, so don't get hung up on appearances. Not that you do, but just keep it in mind.

Just be patient. Seriously. No one likes a bitter teenager.

You are onto something with that boy you like now, though. He's definitely your type, but it has nothing to do with his race, I promise you. Leave him be because he probably does drugs, but keep that type in mind.

Happy Valentines Day, do something fun!


1 comment:

  1. Maybe being single is a bigger deal over at BYU-I than it is here. But I say either way, enjoy it while you can.

    From what I hear, having a boyfriend is over-rated. Ok I made that up and I've never had a boyfriend.

    But anyways, today is about the people you love. SO have a happy Valentine's Day!
